Category: aikido
Koichi Tohei Unify Mind and Body
The Four Basic Principles to Unify Mind and Body 1 Keep One Point 2 Relax Completely 3 Keep Weight Underside 4 Extend Ki Reference: Ki in Daily Life by Koichi Tohei ISBN 4889960716 p. 27 ff Links: Aikido Koichi Tohei sensei part 2 Koichi Tohei at 9th Dan (Part 1/5) Koichi Tohei at…
Morihei Ueshiba – The Founder of Aikido
Morihei Ueshiba Aikido
Ki Breathing
by Koichi Tohei Sensei Replenish Ki when sleeping Sleeping is important to replenish Ki. Human beings consume Ki constantly while awake. Everyone sees things, listens, smells, tastes and touches things by using their five senses. All those actions are actions of Ki. Therefore, we need to replenish Ki which we have consumed. Sleeping and Ki…
The Harmony of Yin and Yang
As the Yang energy arises in another it is embraced with your Yin energy and becomes one harmonious energetic interaction. Dualistic thought is lost as one flowing energetic movement is embraced so that it is only one movement and not two. When this is demonstrated it appears as one seamless, graceful flowing movement without any…
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