Category: Philosophy
The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳論)
太極拳論 by 王宗岳 太極者,無極而生,陰陽之母也。動之則分,靜之則合。無過不及,隨曲就伸。人剛我柔謂之走,我順人背謂之黏。動急則急應,動緩則緩隨。雖變化萬端,而理為一貫。由著熟而漸悟懂勁,由懂勁而階及神明,然非用力之久,不能豁然貫通焉。虛領頂勁,氣沉丹田,不偏不倚,忽隱忽現。左重則左虛,右重則右杳,仰之則彌高,俯之則彌深,進之則愈長,退之則愈促。一羽不能加,蠅蟲不能落,人不知我,我獨知人。英雄所向無敵,蓋皆由此而及也。斯技旁門甚多,豈虛學哉!有旋轉之法,得心應手,惟口傳心授,方能得之。 The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan by Wang Zongyue “Tai Chi is born from Wu Chi (the state of undifferentiated and limitless potential), and it is the mother of Yin and Yang. When there is motion, it divides; when there is stillness, it unites. Do not exceed or fall short; follow the…
Treaties of Tai Chi Chuan
Famous Taiji Treatises
Tang Haos analysis of Wang Zongyue
– 王宗岳太極拳經 / 王宗岳陰符鎗譜 AN ANALYSIS OF WANG ZONGYUE’S TAIJI BOXING CLASSICS AND CONCEAL & REVEAL SPEAR MANUAL 唐豪 by Tang Hao [published May 1, 1936] [translation by Paul Brennan, Nov, 2023] – 王宗岳考 [PART ONE] A LOOK AT WANG ZONGYUE HIMSELF – 王宗岳考目錄 CONTENTS FOR PART ONE 王宗岳的姓氏 [Chapter One] His Name 王宗岳的傳受源流 [Chapter…
Taiji Boxing according to Wu Tunan
– 科學化的國術太極拳 A MORE SCIENTIFIC MARTIAL ART: TAIJI BOXING 吳圖南 by Wu Tunan [published by 商務印書館 The Commercial Press, LTD, Oct, 1931] [translation by Paul Brennan, Feb, 2017] – 科學化的國術太極拳 A More Scientific Martial Art: Taiji Boxing 褚民誼題 – calligraphy by Chu Minyi – 吳啚南著 by Wu Tunan: 科學化的國術太極拳 A More Scientific Martial Art: Taiji…
The essence of Chinese Martial Arts
The essence of Chinese martial arts, also known as Wushu or Kung Fu, lies in the cultivation of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to achieve overall self-improvement, self-defense, and harmony with nature. Chinese martial arts have a rich history and encompass a wide range of styles and techniques, but their core principles can be summarized…
The Five elements in martial arts
The Five Elements Theory has a strong connection to Chinese martial arts, where it serves as a framework for understanding and categorizing techniques, strategies, and principles. Each element is associated with specific qualities, movements, and energies that can be applied to martial arts practice. Here’s a brief overview of how the Five Elements relate to…
Huai Hsiang Wang
Fang Ning On Tai Chi Chuan Kung-Fu
It is common among martial artists to discuss their skills. The same is true of Tai Chi Chuan practitioners. We have seen a competition match where an older man defeated a younger man; we heard from our teachers and read from books how the Yang Family members’ kung-fu was so good that they defeated hard…
Taijiquan – The Art of Receiving
By Wee Kee Jin Taijiquan is no different from any other exercise or martial art if it is practiced without understanding the principles and without putting the principles into the movements. Regardless of the various different Taiji styles or Taiji forms, they are all based on the same set of Taiji classical texts. They are:…
Movement and Stillness
动静无偏 Movement and Stillness without Deviation and Inclination One should move when time to move, one should be still when it is time to be still time. This is about the right timing of movement and stillness. This is called ‘the Gong of Purity, Tranquillity and Non-action’. When movement and stillness are being inappropriate, then…
Song of the Real Meaning
真義歌 No shape, no shadow. Entire body transparent and empty. Forget your surroundings and be natural. Like a stone chime suspended from West Mountain. Tigers roaring, monkeys screeching. Clear fountain, peaceful water. Turbulent river, stormy ocean. With your whole being, develop your life. 無形無象。全身透空。 忘物自然。西山懸磬。 虎吼猿鳴。泉清水靜。 翻江鬧海。盡性立命。 When practicing taijiquan you must let go of…
The True Teachings of Yang Jianhou’s Secret Yang Style Taijiquan
Historical background of Yang style Taijiquan as passed down by late Wang Yongquan For more than half a century people in China and other countries have learnt about and to a certain degree understood Taijiquan, while health aspects of Yang style Taijiquan attracted special attention all over the world. However very few people know that…
Yang Banhou Explaining Taiji Principles
太極法說 EXPLAINING TAIJI PRINCIPLES 楊班侯 attributed to Yang Banhou [circa 1875] [translation by Paul Brennan, Sep, 2013] 目錄 CONTENTS 八門五步 [1] The Eight Gates & Five Steps 八門五步用功法 [2] On the Training Method for the Eight Gates & Five Steps 固有分明法 [3] Our Innate Ability to Distinguish 粘黏連隨 [4] Stick, Adhere, Connect, and Follow 頂匾丢抗…
Chu Shong Tin – The evolution of his teaching
In honor of the late Chu Shong Tin – a legend and true master of Wing Chun You are able to find more of Chu Shong Tin’s teachings here: Sung Wing Chun
On Constant Purity and Tranquility
The Wonderful Scripture on the Constant Purity and Tranquility, Spoken by the Ultra Supreme Elder Lord The Elder Lord said: The Great Tao, being formless, creates heavens and earths; The Great Tao, being emotionless, runs the sun and the moon; The Great Tao, being nameless, eternally nurtures all beings. I do not know its name,…
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