Tag: che

  • Martial aspects of yiquan and its fighting application

    Internal “Intention” for Health and Self-Defense By Fukui Yang as told to Bob Feldman A Short History of Yiquan and My Family’s Relationship to this Martial Art Yiquan is a relatively new Chinese martial art created by the great master Wang Xiangzhai. Master Wang was the last and favorite student of the Xingyiquan master Guo…

  • Li Yi Yu’s Five Character Formula

    When the heart is not quiet, one may not concentrate. Lifting the hands, moving forward, backward, left, and right, will lack focused direction. Therefore, the heart must be quiet. From the moment one initiates motion, its not determined by the self. You must quiet the heart and understand with your body. Your movements follow those…

  • Four Character Secret Transmission

    Spread. To spread means that we mobilize our chi spread it over our opponents energy and prevent him from moving. Cover. To cover means that we use our chi to cover our opponents thrust. Check. To check means that we use chi to check our opponents thrust, ascertain his aim and evade it. Swallow. To…