Category: Classic

  • The Wisdom of Dao Yin in Baopuzi

    Dao Yin treats the condition ‘not yet sick’, it releases inharmonious energy. The movements must be practised in order to circulate energy without discomfort in the hundred joints. Without movement, blood remains blocked in the three places. Dao Yin uses this great rule to maintain health and is a subtle and complex technique for eliminating…

  • The Ten Chan Pictures

    (1) In the Wild Troubled by all kinds of thoughts and desires, people are liable to get nervous anal disturbed in daily life and with their natural character con-fused and the ability to sustain themselves lost, they are quite ill with vari-ous worries and diseases. The poem reads: Displaying its horns, the buffalo bellows aloud,…

  • The Ancient Poem of Universal Post

    The universal post is a mystical form of martial arts We can never fully understand the way it is done It seems like an embrace with a smiling face You use your strength from within You are relaxed and use no force It is like clouds floating in the wind from all directions You use…

  • Union of the Triplex Equation

    Let the void be your cauldron Let nature be your furnace for your primary ingredient, take stillness for your reagent, use quietude for mercury, take your vital essence for lead, use your daily energy for water use, restraint for fire, take meditation. Reference: A Complete Guide to Chi-gung by Daniel P. Reid p.81

  • Wondrous Scripture for Daily Internal Practice

    Now, as for your daily practice, Keep your eating and drinking regulated; Restrain your speaking and meditate alone. Do not allow even a single thought to arise. The ten thousand affairs are all forgotten. Then preserve your spirit and stabilize your intent. The mouth and lips are mutually locked up; The teeth should be lightly…

  • Awakening to Reality Wuzhen pian

    1 If you study immortality, you should study celestial immortality: only the Golden Elixir is the highest principle. 3 When the two things meet, emotions and nature join one another; where the five agents are whole, Dragon and Tiger coil. 5 Rely in the first place on wu and ji that act as go-betweens, then…

  • 100 Chinese and Buddhist Health Rules 51-100

    No. 51 – Quiet Sitting To nourish yourself in quietude: lie on your bed, completely relax body and mind, let your whole body melt without using even a tiny bit of effort, so that you feel as if there was no body. Breathe naturally and exert not even a trace of effort in the mind-and-heart—…

  • 100 Chinese and Buddhist Health Rules 1-50

    No. 1 – Sleep Sleep is the first element of nourishing life. Your preferred time to sleep is between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m., becausethis time in the course of the day matches the season of winter. If things are not contained in the winter,they cannot grow in the summer, which means that on the…

  • The Understanding of the Thirteen Postures

    1. The Xin (mind/heart) motivates the qi, directs it to sink, so that it can be stored and concentrated into the bones. 2. Let the qi motivate the body without hindrance, so that it will effortlessly follow your xin (mind/heart). 3. If the shen (spirit) is raised, there will not be any sluggishness. This is…

  • The Seven Basic Skills of Dachengquan

    1. Jijizhuang (Combat skill pile-stance): Feet assume a Dingbabu shaped step, Arms form a circle like holding a child. Stand upright, feeling light and nimble, Mind is intense but posture easy and comfortable. 2. Trial of Strength: Strike out the hand is like a steel file, Pull back, the hand is like an iron hook.…

  • The heart of Tao

    The heart of Tao is the heart of peace. It is not disturbed by the mind. The heart is the mind which has no thought. The mind is the heart after it falls into contemplative activity and engages in busy thinking. Chen Tunan Reference: Strength from Movement: Mastering Chi by Hua-Ching Ni ISBN 0937064734 p.…

  • The Inner Entreprise

    Section 1: The essential qi It is the essence of things that gives life to them. Below, it gives birth to the five grains; above, it is the ranks of stars. Flowing between heaven and earth: we call these ghosts and spirits. Stored within the breast: we call these sages. This qi is So bright!…

  • Guarding the One

    Attainment of the Prime of the One Is not a gift from Heaven. Realization of Great Nonbeing Is the state of highest immortality. Light restrained, a hidden brilliance, The body one with nature: There is true peace, won but not pursued. Script kept forever at rest. In serenity and beauty: this is perfection! Body and…

  • The One Cavity of the Mysterious Gate

    The valley spirit, undying Is called the mystical female The gateway of the mystical female Is called the root of Heaven and Earth It flows continuously, barely perceptible Utilize it, it is never exhausted Tao Te Ching VI (Laozi or Lao Tzu) The spirit of the valley – a powerful symbol of the female principle…

  • The Classic of Purity

    The venerable Master said: The Supreme Tao is formless,yet it produces Heaven and Earth. The Supreme Tao has no desires, yet by Its power the Sun and the Moon revolve in their orbits. The supreme Tao is nameless,yet It ever supports all things. I do not know its namebut for title call it Tao The…