Category: Meditation
Small Heavenly Circle
The “Small Heavenly Circle,” also known as the “Microcosmic Orbit” or “Xiao Zhou Tian” (小周天) in Chinese, is a fundamental concept in Taoist qigong practice. It refers to the circulation of qi (life energy) along specific energy channels or meridians in the human body. The main pathways in the Small Heavenly Circle are the Ren…
Song of the Real Meaning
真義歌 No shape, no shadow. Entire body transparent and empty. Forget your surroundings and be natural. Like a stone chime suspended from West Mountain. Tigers roaring, monkeys screeching. Clear fountain, peaceful water. Turbulent river, stormy ocean. With your whole being, develop your life. 無形無象。全身透空。 忘物自然。西山懸磬。 虎吼猿鳴。泉清水靜。 翻江鬧海。盡性立命。 When practicing taijiquan you must let go of…
We need to practice meditation gently
The most stable posture for meditation is sitting cross-legged on a cushion. Choose a cushion that is the right thickness to support you. The half-lotus and full-lotus positions are excellent for establishing stability of body and mind. To sit in the lotus position, gently cross your legs by placing one foot (for the half-lotus) or…
On Constant Purity and Tranquility
The Wonderful Scripture on the Constant Purity and Tranquility, Spoken by the Ultra Supreme Elder Lord The Elder Lord said: The Great Tao, being formless, creates heavens and earths; The Great Tao, being emotionless, runs the sun and the moon; The Great Tao, being nameless, eternally nurtures all beings. I do not know its name,…
Secret records of understanding the Way
TRUE AND FALSE The Old Man of Clear Serenity said: There is nothing in the world that does not have both true and false versions. Practice of the Way may also be true or false, so students should first distinguish the difference clearly. True practice is total sincerity. It is not a matter of avoiding…
Breathing Methods and Practice Tips of Health Qigong
by Gong Lihui 2012 Breathing practice is one of the important exercises in practicing Health Qigong. Only when the exerciser is aware of the importance of breathing, using the correct breathing posture with right methods to make the most of breathing, can he learn Health Qigong well and reach the goal of dispelling diseases and…
Nourishing Your Qi
with Robert Peng
Annotated Mysterious Pearly Mirror
The Dao is nonaction, yet nothing is left undone. Purity of mind does not come from knowledge and wisdom. What is knowledge? What is purity? Knowlegde is to give up all wisdom. Purity is to be empty in going along. Going along, not following: this is pervasion of mind. Pervade the One and all affairs…
Commentary on the Mirror for Compounding the Medicine
Precelestial breath, Postcelestial breath. Those who obtain them always seem to be drunk. The precelestial Breath is the original and initial Ancestral Breath.1 This Ancestral Breath is in the real center of Heaven and Earth within the human body. [Placed between] the Secret Door and the Gate of Life, hanging in the middle, it is…
The Standing Meditation of Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong
The Standing Meditation of Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong falls in the category of static qigong (the five routines belong to kinetic qigong). It is an exercise to clear the channels, balance yin and yang, regulate the function of qi and blood and improve health. Designed to enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of Soaring Crane Qigong, the…
The Natural Mechanism of Turning Attention Around to Gaze Within
Bai Yuzhan said, “The path of inner refinement is extremely simple and easy; just get the fire of the heart to descend into the elixir field. The elixir field is the chamber of water, while the heart is fire. When fire enters water, then water and fire mix and true yang is produced. Therefore people…
The Arhat Holding Up the Sky
Movements: 1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes sticking to the ground. Bend and close in knees into half-way crouching position with buttocks drawn in. Reach out arms to parallel posi- tion, palm facing upward and fingers apart and relaxed. Also relax wrist, elbow, waist, and in particular, shoulder. 2) Hold head and neck erect,…
Jingang-Chan Posture Movements: 1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes sticking to the ground. Slightly bend knees and hang arms naturally by sides of body with elbows also slightly bent, palms facing backward, fingers apart and thumbs pointing to trouser seams. Relax shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger joints. Hold head and neck erect, with chin…
A General Introduction to Jinggong
by Chen Yingming There is currently no effective medicine for stress-related disorders. Phosphoric supplements’ claim to fortifying the brain is unsubstantiated. All other stimulants or sedatives have only temporary effect. After the effect wears out, the symptoms come back, maybe with a vengeance. One must ensure complete tranquility of the mind and disperse all random…
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