Category: Martial Art
Wang Xiangzhai’s directions in verse for Dachengquan
Extremely subtle and profound, Boxing theory is not to be taken lightly. At the beginning of history martial art was of paramount importance; And it was there that science of learning has its root. Its essence has largely been lost, having been distorted to a sheer absurdity. This Boxing is based on spirit and mind,…
The All-Round Standing Pole Exercise
Stand with feet apart at shoulder width, toes point forward or slightly outward. Bend the knees and sit down slightly, weight centered firmly on the soles of the feet. Keep the head and spine erect from tip to tail, chest empty (i.e. relaxed and slightly concave, never stuck out) and stomach full and relaxed, not…
Chen Wei-Ming on Agility
If the body is clumsy, then in advancing or retreating it cannot be free; therefore it most be agile. Once you raise your arm, you cannot appear clumsy. The moment the force of the opponent touches my skin and hair, my mind is already penetrating his bones. When holding up the arms, the chi (breath)…
Anecdotes Of Dachengquan Founder Wang Xiangzhai
by Wang Xuanjie (Translated by Chen Shengtao) DACHENGQUAN is a set of barehanded exercises for health-keeping and combat. It was developed by my instructor Wang Xiangzhai in Beijing in the 1940s. The following anecdotes about him will help you learn something more about Wang and his dachengquan. When Wang Xiangzhai created dachengquan half a century…
The Mighty Warrior Exercise
(Ichuan, Dachengquan, Yiquan, exercise, qiqong, chikung, breathing, energy) The Mighty Warrior Exercise Stand with the feet about double shoulder-width apart and toes pointing ahead. Bend the knees while lowering the body to stand in a horse-riding posture. Raise the arms sideways to form each an angle of about 60 degrees with the torso, the palms…
Expositions of Insights Into the Practice of the Thirteen Postures
by Wu Yu-hsiang (Wu Yuxian) (1812 – 1880) sometimes attributed to Wang Chung-yueh as researched by Lee N. Scheele The hsin [mind-and-heart] mobilizes the ch’i [vital life energy]. Make the ch’i sink calmly; then the ch’i gathers and permeates the bones. The ch’i mobilizes the body. Make it move smoothly, so that it may easily…
Four Character Secret Transmission
Spread. To spread means that we mobilize our chi spread it over our opponents energy and prevent him from moving. Cover. To cover means that we use our chi to cover our opponents thrust. Check. To check means that we use chi to check our opponents thrust, ascertain his aim and evade it. Swallow. To…
Grasp Sparrows’s Tail is like two men sawing
This is the push-hands sequence of Wardoff, Rollback, Press and Push. The action is that of sawing. When you saw, the force at both sides should be equal; then the action is smooth. If one side tries to change the force, the saw’s teeth will bind. If my partner binds the saw, then even if…
Wu-Yü-Hsiang Body Principles
Relax the chest. Raise the back. Enclose solar plexus. Protect the cheekbones. Lift the head. Suspend the solar plexus. Loosen the shoulders. Sink the elbows. Be evasive. Avoid conflict. Reference: Tai Chi Touchstones: Yang Family Secret Transmissions by Douglas Wile Sweet Chi Press, April 1989 ISBN: 091205901X Page: 27
Head Upright – Basics of Taiji Quan
( tai chi, principles, head, posture, structure, energy, unification of body ) Technical Methods and Postures Head Upright To prop up the head is to raise the crown of the head properly. In Taiji Quan, make sure that the head is upright, the crown flat, the neck straight and the chin drawn in. It is…
Sam Tam – 2006 Copenhagen Summer Workshop
Master Sam Tam comes to Copenhagen from the 2. to 4. of June 2006 to give a workshop at Ole Eskildens Ichuan Standing Meditation School. Master Sam Tam travels around the US and Canada giving workshops in pushhands in Ichuan and Taiji. Ichuan people would properly know Sam Tam by name from Jan Diepersloot’s book…
Wang Xiangzhai – General Principles for Dachengquan
Directions in verse for Great Achievements Shadow Boxing Integrated with spirit and mind, This boxing is named Dacheng. With plain truth easy to understand, It is both interesting and enlightening. It has no method yet every method, for in boxing all methods are of no avail. With profound knowledge it helps to mould your temperament,…
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