Category: Energy
The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳論)
太極拳論 by 王宗岳 太極者,無極而生,陰陽之母也。動之則分,靜之則合。無過不及,隨曲就伸。人剛我柔謂之走,我順人背謂之黏。動急則急應,動緩則緩隨。雖變化萬端,而理為一貫。由著熟而漸悟懂勁,由懂勁而階及神明,然非用力之久,不能豁然貫通焉。虛領頂勁,氣沉丹田,不偏不倚,忽隱忽現。左重則左虛,右重則右杳,仰之則彌高,俯之則彌深,進之則愈長,退之則愈促。一羽不能加,蠅蟲不能落,人不知我,我獨知人。英雄所向無敵,蓋皆由此而及也。斯技旁門甚多,豈虛學哉!有旋轉之法,得心應手,惟口傳心授,方能得之。 The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan by Wang Zongyue “Tai Chi is born from Wu Chi (the state of undifferentiated and limitless potential), and it is the mother of Yin and Yang. When there is motion, it divides; when there is stillness, it unites. Do not exceed or fall short; follow the…
The Five elements in martial arts
The Five Elements Theory has a strong connection to Chinese martial arts, where it serves as a framework for understanding and categorizing techniques, strategies, and principles. Each element is associated with specific qualities, movements, and energies that can be applied to martial arts practice. Here’s a brief overview of how the Five Elements relate to…
Small Heavenly Circle
The “Small Heavenly Circle,” also known as the “Microcosmic Orbit” or “Xiao Zhou Tian” (小周天) in Chinese, is a fundamental concept in Taoist qigong practice. It refers to the circulation of qi (life energy) along specific energy channels or meridians in the human body. The main pathways in the Small Heavenly Circle are the Ren…
Body Awareness in Qi Gong Practice
Master Sam Tam demonstrating form
In this videoclip master Sam Tam is giving out some basic instructions to the first section of his Taijiform. Where a lot of variations of the Yang style emphazises a quite “heavy bottom” ei. base, strong and powerfull legs with emphasis on the ground, Sam Tam main focus is light, even and connected. On a basic…
Wang Peisheng creative interpretation of some Taiji principles
Master Wang’s Creative Interpretation and Application of Some Taijiquan Principles in Self-defence Master Wang makes it a point of emphasis and has set an example to his students of how one should use one’s mind and learn from experience of success and failure after having studied carefully the theories set in the Taijiquan classics, listened…
The Dantian of Xingyi
THE ELIXIR FIELD The elixir field is the source of the active aspect, the mansion of energy and power. If you want to be proficient in the art, you must first strengthen your elixir field, and if you want to strengthen your elixir field, you must first practice the art. The back-and-forth of the two…
Yang Banhou Explaining Taiji Principles
太極法說 EXPLAINING TAIJI PRINCIPLES 楊班侯 attributed to Yang Banhou [circa 1875] [translation by Paul Brennan, Sep, 2013] 目錄 CONTENTS 八門五步 [1] The Eight Gates & Five Steps 八門五步用功法 [2] On the Training Method for the Eight Gates & Five Steps 固有分明法 [3] Our Innate Ability to Distinguish 粘黏連隨 [4] Stick, Adhere, Connect, and Follow 頂匾丢抗…
How to avoid impact and controll contact using movement and awareness
Systema Israel
Investigating the Method of Tai Chi Boxings Push Hand
Step One: The Push Hands System of Awareness Energy From the preceding account of the skillful practice of the set, you have arrived at the level of Push hands. Awareness energy is acquired through the practice of Push hands. Two people must practice this together, and this practice is very important. If your Push hands…
Nourishing Your Qi
with Robert Peng
Lishen Gong
Kidney Regulation Exercise Functions: Regulates the blood and of the Kidney Channel, nourishes the kidneys, strengthens Yang (vital function), and invigorates primordial energy. Methods 1. Taking Black Qi. Assume a standing, sitting, or lying posture and relax. Place the tongue against the palate and expel distractions. Tap the upper and lower teeth together 36 times,…
Song Kong Yuan Man
Byron Zhang shows Tai Chi’s Song Kong Yuan Man (Relax, empty, full & rounded).
The Natural Mechanism of Turning Attention Around to Gaze Within
Bai Yuzhan said, “The path of inner refinement is extremely simple and easy; just get the fire of the heart to descend into the elixir field. The elixir field is the chamber of water, while the heart is fire. When fire enters water, then water and fire mix and true yang is produced. Therefore people…
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