Category: Exercise

  • How to avoid impact and controll contact using movement and awareness

    Systema Israel

  • Ancient Life Cultivation Methods

    15 Advisable Actions It is advisable to comb your hair often. It is advisable to rub your face often. It is advisable to move your eyeballs often. It is advisable to rap on your ears(occiput) often. It is advisable to click your teeth often. It is advisable to swallow your saliva often. It is advisable…

  • This is Kung Fu

  • Lishen Gong

    Kidney Regulation Exercise Functions: Regulates the blood and of the Kidney Channel, nourishes the kidneys, strengthens Yang (vital function), and invigorates primordial energy. Methods 1. Taking Black Qi. Assume a standing, sitting, or lying posture and relax. Place the tongue against the palate and expel distractions. Tap the upper and lower teeth together 36 times,…

  • Taoist Health Preservation Neck Exercise

  • Deep Forest Meditation Lesson 深山传道

  • Ten Daoist Steps

    Essences Of Wudang -Ten Daoist Steps Wudang Dragongate Kungfu Schools Headmaster introduces one of the most important essences for wudang daoist arts. The ten daoist steps which are shown here are only the yang part of the whole set which also includes the very advanced ten yin steps. The steps are movements which contain many…

  • WuDang Five Animals Qi Gong

    Wudang Wu Qin Xi Reference: daoistkungfu

  • Wudang Taiji – Six Basic Skills of Taiji

    武当太极基本功 Reference: daoistkungfu

  • Starting and Ending Forms of Basic Qigong Exercise Patterns

    Starting Form The Relaxed and Quiescent Form in Standing Position Pithy Formula Keep the spine upright and suspend the Baihui Point. Pull in the chin, shut the lips and touch the tongue tip to the teeth ridge. Drop the upper eyelids, permitting the eye to look forward. Tuck in the chest and relax the waist…

  • The Arhat Holding Up the Sky

    Movements: 1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes sticking to the ground. Bend and close in knees into half-way crouching position with buttocks drawn in. Reach out arms to parallel posi- tion, palm facing upward and fingers apart and relaxed. Also relax wrist, elbow, waist, and in particular, shoulder. 2) Hold head and neck erect,…

  • Hunyuanzhuang

    Jingang-Chan Posture Movements: 1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes sticking to the ground. Slightly bend knees and hang arms naturally by sides of body with elbows also slightly bent, palms facing backward, fingers apart and thumbs pointing to trouser seams. Relax shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger joints. Hold head and neck erect, with chin…

  • A General Introduction to Jinggong

    by Chen Yingming There is currently no effective medicine for stress-related disorders. Phosphoric supplements’ claim to fortifying the brain is unsubstantiated. All other stimulants or sedatives have only temporary effect. After the effect wears out, the symptoms come back, maybe with a vengeance. One must ensure complete tranquility of the mind and disperse all random…

  • Eye Exercise

    Yan Gong Functions: Regulates the blood of the Liver Channel, soothes the liver, and improves vision. Methods 1. Preparation: Sit or stand, relax, look straight ahead, and expel any distracting thoughts. 2. Moving the Eyeballs in an Infinity Pattern. Move the eyeballs and imagine that there is a flow of Qi inside their orbits. Start the…

  • Ox Leading Posture

    Qianniuzhuang Movements: 1) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and turn feet 45 de- grees to the left (right) with heels as an axis. Keep torso upright but turn it to extreme left, with knees slightly bent and drawn together, toes sticking to the ground. 2) Raise and naturally stretch arms to front of chest, elbows…