The Breathing of the Universe

This exercise is very good for healing the lungs and skin and to balance the energy inside and outside of the body. If you are doing the Moving of Yin & Yang prior to doing the Breathing of the Universe you make the transition in the following way. Finish the Moving of Yin & Yang by slowly bringing both hands to a stop in front of your navel at the position of your lower Dantian. For men, stop with your left hand inside of your right hand. For women, stop with the right hand inside of the left hand. Again, your hands do not touch each other or your body. This space allows you to keep the feeling of the emptiness.

• Now, focus your mind on your lower Dantian and take three slow, gentle, deep breaths.

• Then, as you inhale the fourth time, move your hands apart and open to the sides.

• As you exhale, bring your hands in towards each other but your hands do not touch.

• Continue doing this movement with each inhalation and exhalation, slowly and steadily.

• Imagine you are using your whole body to breathe.

• When you open your hands, feel the energy as it expands in the space between your hands.

• When you close your hands feel the energy being compressed in the space between your hands.

• With practice, and perhaps very quickly, you will actually feel the energy expanding and compressing.

• Use your hands and body to feel the energy moving while you use your elbows to guide the movements.

• While you inhale, visualize the pure universal energy flowing into your body through every part of your body and gathering in your lower Dantian.

• While you exhale, imagine any pain or sickness turning into smoke or air and shooting out from every part of the body to the end of the universe.

• Do not let your body sway while doing these movements. Just keep your body still and relaxed and always wear a smile on your face. Do this movement for 5 to 10 minutes or longer if you have the time.

By moving your hands in this manner and combining the breathing technique, you help to open blockages in the whole body, especially the lungs. When you finish this movement, stop your hands in front of you as if you were holding a ball of energy in front of your navel – your lower Dantian. Take three slow, gentle, deep breaths in through your nose.

Born A Healer: I was born a healer. You were born a healer, too!
by Chunyi Lin / Gary Rebstock
ISBN 0974094412

P. 154 – 155




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