Soaring Crane Qigong forms 1-5
Soaring Crane Qi Gong, also referred to as China Soaring Crane Qi Gong, or Crane Style Qi Gong, was developed in more recent years by qi gong master Zhao Jing Xiang, drawing upon information from other qi gong masters, ancient Taoist practices, and the movements of the crane, known for its peaceful and long life. Since 1980 this specific qi gong practice has been taught to millions of Chinese and has gained the support of the Chinese government. It is a very comprehensive system of practices very cleverly composed to deal with all of the major meridians and many of the significant acupoints to affect all parts of the body.
Soaring Crane Qi Gong consists basically of two parts: The Five Routines, and Standing Meditation. The Five Routines practice consists of a series of relatively simple physical movements accompanied by mental visualizations (focus on the flow of energy, or qi). This practice, when done properly, requires 25 to 30 minutes to complete. It clears various meridians, opens up some specific points, and facilitates the cultivation, flow and balancing of qi in the body.
Standing Meditation, usually taken up only after The Five Routines has been learned, done well and consistently for some time, consists of initially standing in a particular position, as loose and relaxed as possible, to allow for the flow of qi freely in the body. Often referred to as The Wise Doctor, this is a very powerful self-healing practice wherein the qi flows to those areas where there exists an imbalance or blockage of qi (resulting in disease). Through continued practice, the qi will persistently flow to problem areas until the imbalance or blockage has been repaired, thereby restoring health. This action of the qi may result in spontaneous movements of the body during the meditation. This meditation is generally practiced for about 30 minutes.
Reference (text only):
China Soaring Crane Qigong (cscq)
Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong by Zhao, Jin Xiang (pdf)
Soaring crane qigong Chin-Hsiang Chao 1991
Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong Study Aids
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